Cambewarra Public School

"Quality Education in a Caring Environment"

Telephone02 4446 0038

Student Wellbeing

The wellbeing of every one of our students is important to every member of our school.

We recognise that "it takes a village to raise a child". We all need support, ideas and encouragement sometimes - whether we are a child or an adult.  

Raising resilient children is all important.

The buzz-word for coping well with life's challenges is called "resilience."

We all want children to be able to deal  well with the challenges that life presents them. Being able to do that as a child will make it so much easier to do the same as a teenager and an adult.

We found out about this wonderful e-booklet stacked with information on how we can help improve and maintain children's resilience. Feel free to download it (no cost).



Raising Resilient Children (pdf 954 KB)

(Thanks to the Happiness Institute for producing it.)