Cambewarra Public School

"Quality Education in a Caring Environment"

Telephone02 4446 0038

Working & Volunteering at CPS


Casual Teachers, SLSO and Admin Staff

We book our casual staff via Class Cover. You will be required to ensure your teaching approval is current (teachers only) and all staff are required to have completed the full suite of mandatory training to be booked for casual work. 

We will check the employee:

  • has a valid Approval to Teach (for teachers)
  • has a current WWCC clearance
  • has a criminal history check
  • is not on the NTBE database.

A site induction will be conducted at the Admin office on your first day at our school.



All volunteers (close family /friends) are required to complete an Parent/Volunteer Declaration form and provide 100 points of identification (information attached with form). 

Non child related volunteers and contractors please contact the school office on 4446 0038 for the correct form. 

Additionally, if parents are transporting students they need to provide the office with a copy of their current vehicle registration and license. Use this form if you are transporting children including your own during school hours.

All Volunteers staying onsite must sign in on arrival and out again on departure via the admin office and obtain a name tag from the office. 

Scripture and Ethics Teachers

The governing body of each denomination co-ordinate the process of checks and will issue scripture/ethics teachers with a card authorising them to teach scripture.

The card will need to be visible whilst conducting scripture/ethics lessons at our school. The card should be presented at the admin office for verification of validity.

All scripture and ethics teachers must sign in on arrival and out again on departure via the admin office and wear their I.D. whilst on the premises.

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