School Uniform
A school uniform helps students develop pride in their school and creates a sense of belonging to a particular school.
The Department of Education and P&C support the wearing of school uniforms by students and the upholding of high standards of dress by students and staff. The school community has high expectations for our school uniform requesting that families adhere to the correct school uniform items worn each day to school by students. The P&C has a policy that the wearing of correct school uniform is compulsory at Cambewarra Public School. The uniform includes black shoes, grey socks for boys and white socks for girls. Hair accessories should be the correct blue hair ties and clips. Some Cambewarra Public School uniform examples are shown above or can be seen via the ordering portal link below. Please see the uniform order form for the full list of summer and winter items available.
The wearing of the Cambewarra Public School uniform is also part of the School's Discipline Code. The School also has a policy of "No hat, No play" to protect students from the risk of skin cancer. Students who do not have a hat must play in designated undercover areas.
IMPORTANT: Label on all items of school clothing and school equipment. Laundry markers are available at the office and uniform shop for labelling - just ask.
LOST PROPERTY: Can be found on the seat opposite the office windows. Any items that are labeled with students names will be returned to their classes, though students are responsible for reclaiming their items.
* Any unlabelled and unclaimed uniform items will be sent to the uniform shop for resale at the end of each week and all other unlabelled items are disposed of - so please ensure yours have a name on them.
School Uniform Shop
Our P&C volunteers operate the uniform shop on Assembly Mondays (fortnightly, Even Weeks) from 2:45pm - 3:15pm during school terms. EFTPOS or Cash payments available.
The Cambewarra School P&C has successfully run with the help of volunteers, the School Uniform Shop for as long as anyone can remember. It provides students with school uniform clothing and accessories such as school hats, bags, and library bags, hair ties and lunch order bags. A range of second-hand clothing is also available.
Orders can be made online via the following link
OR on the uniform order form Uniform Order Form 2021 and returned with payment/contact no. to the school office. Orders will then be filled and returned to the students' classrooms.
If you have an enquiry for the uniform shop they are contactable via
If this is not convenient you can download and print the order form and send it to the office with your payment (or phone no for EFTPOS payment) and the uniform shop volunteers will process your order and send it to either your child's classroom or the office for collection if you prefer.
Please note: orders are always subject to stock availability.